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The Vienne, to enjoy without limits

A stay at the camping La Roche Posay means taking all the time you want to discover or rediscover the sublime department of the Vienne, in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Incredible châteaux, towns brimming with character, nature as far as the eye can see, activities for all the family... You’ll have so much to see, explore and visit during your stay that you’ll only want one thing... to come back and see us again! Discover what awaits you.

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Zoo de Beauval
Beauval Zoo
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La Roche-Posay

Do you love animals and nature?

Come and rub shoulders with eagles and falcons at Géants du ciel, meet 800 extraordinary animals at Beauval Zoo and get ready to go on a 'safari' at the Haute-Touche Reserve, where you can drive among the free-roaming animals. And don't forget the vast expanses of forest in the Parc de la Brenne.

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Budding detectives and the curious?

Head to the Château du Clos Lucé to unravel the mysteries of Leonardo da Vinci's inventions, take part in the Karmanor secret treasure hunt or embark on the ultimate treasure hunt with Terra'Aventura!

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Looking for a thrill?

The bravest of you will be in for a treat at Futuroscope, where you can dance with the robots and set off for the planet Mars! You can also discover the Land of Dragons and get up close and personal with reptiles and crocodiles by crossing nets and footbridges. And finally, head for Family Park, where the whole family can lose their heads in the giant boomerang or on the flying chairs.

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Do you love history and old stones?

Take a guided tour and learn all about the history of La Roche-Posay, its keep and its miraculous water. Stroll through the cobbled streets of the 11th most beautiful village in France and step back in time at the Roc aux sorciers with its interpretation of rock painting. Finally, at the gates of the majestic Châteaux de la Loire, you won't be able to resist walking in the footsteps of François I or Anne de Bretagne!

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At the crossroads of regions and flavours

Start your journey with a dessert such as Nougat from Tours, macaroons from Montmorillon or the famous Broyé du Poitou. More savoury? Delicious charcuterie awaits you, along with the emblematic Sainte-Maure goat's cheese log and Chabichou du Poitou. And to accompany all this? A glass of wine from the vineyards of Haut-Poitou or the Loire Valley.

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